Urban Gardening: urban gardening, different forms of using land in (urban) settlement areas for gardening activities
Urban Gardening – one of the forms of urban agriculture
Gardens in the city have always existed. In Kamp-Lintfort too, gardens have been an integral part of the urban landscape from the very beginning. Not only the monastery garden at Kamp Monastery is known beyond the city limits, but also in the Kamp-Lintfort Altsiedlung, one of the largest works housing estates in the region, the house gardens provide a special flair of the mining and garden city.
In recent years, urban gardening, and urban agriculture in their various forms (see Figure 1) have experienced a real boom. The mentioned types of urban agriculture can also be found in great variety here in the Wesel district. In addition to a number of urban gardening and community garden projects, there are also self-harvest gardens and a solidarity agriculture.
Diversity of urban agriculture

Urban Gardening & Sustainable City
Urban gardening often appears in urban space in places where something new is created. Globally, the proportion of people living in cities is growing rapidly. Especially in cities, it is important to design developments in such a way that local solutions are sought that harmonise environment and climate as well as the social, cultural, and economic needs of the people. The needs of future generations should also be taken into account. Many studies show that Urban Gardening can provide positive impulses for urban development in all three dimensions of sustainability (social, environmental, and economic) (Figure 2).

It is therefore not surprising that Urban Gardening projects have been developed in many places in recent years, including here on the outdoor area of the Green FabLab. In many cities, green oases of gardening are being created in a small area, for local cultivation of herbs and vegetables in urban surroundings. They offer space for planting, harvesting & composing, for meeting and interacting with those living in the vicinity. In the garden one can learn tolerance and the conscious use of areas in the city, where land is particularly valuable. Urban gardening on the outdoor area of the Green FabLab enables joint learning, biodiversity can be experienced, sensor technology is used…
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