Soil Sampling Machine

The Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen – State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia – (LANUV NRW) determined areas polluted with nitrate implementing the methodological specifications according to AVV GeA (§§ 4-10). During the study it has been found relevant the measuring points influenced by agriculture, which showed an excess or an increasing nitrate trend within an observation period 2009-2018. The figure below shows a result map with the areas polluted by nitrate.

The aim of this thesis is the design and testing of a stop-and-go semi-automatic machine that takes soil samples to a maximum depth of 60cm using a drilling mechanism. This machine serves as the first module of a complete in-situ soil nitrate analysis content.

Soil sampling machine – Demonstration of function. Prototype structure made of 3D printed pieces.
Project developed by Jefferson Josue Sandoval at the Green FabLab